In this world we live in, it can be so easy to get caught up in things and put labels on yourself. We all do it,
every single one of us. I think it's important to stop and realise what's around us. Stop and smell, taste, breathe.. Without the knowledge of things around us, we fall pretty short, don't we?
Still, in this world there is a standard of everything, for all of us to live by. Are you pretty, fat, skinny, chubby, goth, punk, preppy...? What kind of food, music, clothing, weather, scents, books or movies do you like..? It's all a big race to get to be someone, to have an identity and be part of a group and search out what you truly love and want to do..

People change every day, they are constantly moving with the water within their bodies, to the beat of the tides, streams, the rain, lakes and the oceans.. So why can't things just flow naturally between our inner and outer selves? Why can't we enjoy and not limit ourselves to one type of living, of being? To move with that natural flow of change should be an accepted ideal, but it is not. It is seen as a weakness, and that my dear friends, is shameful.
Stop judging everyone you meet based on appearances, race, sexuality, religion and spirituality and take time to look beneath that.. I am a firm believer in not judging until you have walked a mile with them, and not telling them that you know what they are going through.. You have no idea. We can guess, we can be supportive and be there for them. But everyone handles things differently, we are all people with our own thresholds to to cross and our own ways to deal with things.
Be authentic, be vulnerable, be you... and most of all, be kind and gracious. Treat other people the way you would want to be treated, and don't skimp on friendships, they can last you a life time... Let the universe take you where you need to go and manifest it. We're all just but a piece of this ever lasting thing we call the universe. But we do have one thing going for us, and that thing is love. <3
-Bailey Dawn
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