We get to the venue and realize rather quickly that it's like, inaccessible to the max. We met up with Marianne, her boyfriend Joe and her cousin Mark. The line up was mostly just excited about Nightwish and who wouldn't be?! They had to escort me into a special door and all the way around and we get tagged and everything and then they escort me to the front of the VIP Meet & Greet line and tell me to go in. I'm nervous, I'm shy. But the band is all beaming and smiles. I knock into one of their tables cause I'm a klutz. From left to right, there was Troy who had a really nice conversation with us, then Anette. Now, I gave Anette two gifts, neither of which she opened because.. Well, 100 people in line behind me, I understood. I go to hand my mask to Emppu, and my husband is coming up behind me with my Nightwish vinyl that Marianne traded me for her Apocalyptica shirt. Jukka and Marco start talking about my mask in Finnish and I really wish I knew the language just so I could understand what they were saying.. Finally I get to Tuomas... I wasn't as nervous this time around, mostly because he smiled at me when I came into the room and it reassured me that he remember. I slipped his gifts on the table, and he (being the eternal child) opened one of them. He noticed it was the a "Haunted Mansion" made from a smashed coin in the actual theme park and this is how this conversation went down.
Tuomas: Oh the Haunted Mansion! *GRIN*
Bailey: Yeah, I have one too, see?! *shows him the one that's copper and is dangling from my wrist* It's my favorite ride!
Tuomas: Mine too, and Jukka's and Marco's!
Bailey: The other one is so much better!
Tuomas: I'll take note of that and open it later!
So that was our conversation and it was rushed and labored, but whatever. I get back in the line for seating and they inform me that I CANNOT go up front, or anywhere near the stage. In fact, I have to head to the third floor because I'm a fire hazard. Uh, thanks guys.Tuomas didn't get to open his Scrooge McDuck pen in front of me and I get to sit in the very back where I can't see?! Awesome.
But before all this goes down, Marianne comes to me and says, "I have a surprise for you, a gift of sorts!" and I'm kinda sad and crying (okay so I'm emotional alright?!) and she hands me a backstage pass! What?! She tells me that she has a mutual friend regarding her backstage pass and that we're in too! Holy shit, Marianne! I've never been so happy in my life.
So they put me with all the other wheelchairs but in the process they take me through the dressing room areas. lol. I believe I almost crashed into Emppu, Marco and Tuomas darted back into the dressing room before I could get to the other side where the elevator was. I kind of looked at Dan and we burst into fits of giggles!
Now in my spot I realize I can't see shit and not only because of my eyesight, but because of the fact that they have placed a side speaker. Here was my view... So I post that picture to facebook and tell them I'm bummed. I don't know how but Sandra Talley pulls off miracles. She pulled some magic and five minutes later I was moved to this.. Not much better height wise, but at least I could see. The show went off without a hitch, it was beautiful and I headbanged my little face off. It was amazing. Dan went to talk to Ewo about midway through the show since he saw him down by Merchandise and asked if he could get a pass too, since his wife had one. Ewo said, "Well that won't do, here you go!" and handed him one.
After the show, the security escorted me down to the dressing room. Nothing was underway yet so I was playing Bubble Blast and Troy Donockley was beside me talking about the 70,000tons of Metal cruise. I looked up at Daniel, situated in a little corner and we giggled again. Then Tuomas comes from beside me and starts talking about it. Everyone slowly arrives including Marianne and Joe, unfortunately Mark had to go home, he wasn't feeling well. And I don't want to go in the room because I need to talk to Tuomas and he's chatting with some fans. Finally I decide to go in and the most awesome time of my life happens in that room. For one, Tuomas came in and I caught him. I asked him for a picture and to come outside. He agrees and I am sitting there talking to him before the picture. Marianne, Joe and Dan are all around us. Here's how this conversation went down.

Tuomas: Not yet, it's in my bag.
Bailey: Could you open it right here, right now? It's really important to me that I get to see your face. You won't be disappointed!!
Tuomas: But..
Marianne: Trust the lady, Tuomas, she wants to see your response as you open it.
Joe: Open it, it's great!
Daniel: You will be amazed!
Tuomas: *sighs exasperatedly and goes to get it. Brings it back and looks at the the open box* What is it? *Asks Marianne*
Marianne: It's a Scrooge McDuck pen..
Tuomas: Holy fuck, Scrooge McDuck! Is it real?!? Help me figure it out, how do I get it to write? *hands it to Daniel*
Daniel gets the tip out and hands it back to him.
Tuomas: Okay, we need to make sure that the ink works, will you autograph my arm?? *hands it to me*
Bailey:.... Sure? *Signs his arm* Upon further reflection, you probably have a million of these things, but I figure you can never have too many pens...
Tuomas: I don't.. I don't have it, not a one. Thank you! I have the perfect use for it...
Bailey: Really glad you like it!
Tuomas: Yeah..
He insisted the bottle of wine be in this one. We decide to go into the
room and he's talking with us some more and offers me wine from the
bottle. Now, anyone who knows me knows I hate wine with a passion. I
can't stomach the stuff. I was a little hesitant at first, but when
Tuomas Holopainen offers you wine, you drink the god damn wine. So I had
a sip and to be honest it wasn't awful. He told me to have another big
one so I did, I probably drank half his bottle.. Sorry Tuomas! Now
here's the thing, running on two hours of sleep and no food does funny
things to your tummy when you drink, and I was starting to feel drunk
already... and I found out later that bottle had been a total slut.
Jukka, Emppu, Troy, Tuomas of course and god knows who else put their
lips on it!
We're in the room and Emppu made his way out before I could even say hello! Damnit! Jukka comes over though, and he's chatting with us.. I've always loved Jukka, severely under-rated as he is, he's the most personal and kind person and my soul feels at ease when I'm around him. We're talking about how he loved 70K and he's working on trying to go back! (YES! *SQUEEL*)
Then there's Troy. He's just so lovely, honestly. He's such an English Gentleman and it makes me swoon. We started talking about Inverness, (where my grandmother was from) and Scotland and then he starts talking about Cumbria and how it's all very Middle-Earth and Tolkien based his middle earth off of it, how if we're going we should Cumbria. I started taking pictures of Tuomas and Troy this is how it turned out!
Troy insisted I send him the picture so I did on facebook! :D
So at this time Ewo asks me if I want a mixed drink since he's making one for Joe and I said sure, little did I know he mixes his drinks like 6 parts vodka one part orange juice. Pretty damn drunk here, that's all I can say!
Then I'm leaning over and talking with Jukka and Marianne and Tuomas comes from behind me, scaring the hell out of me and does this!

We decide to leave and I'm sky high, I give Tuomas a hug and he trips on my wheelchair for about the millionth time and thrusts me into his hair. I was surrounded by hair, it was chuckle worthy!
Then as we're leaving, we see Marco getting some coffee and he stops Dan and I and I'm like, "Mmm coffee...!" He explains to us why he really doesn't drink anymore and this is the fruits of that!
We leave, and it's 2 AM. We walk home, and get some coffee, sighting that we're going to pull an all nighter, since we have to be at the train station for 5:45 AM. We end up crashing at 4:30 and then waking up at 5 AM. We're hurting units, for sure..
Bailey Dawn
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