Well, what was there to say? This show was going to be fucking awesome.. I felt good. My body was co-operating with me.. I looked fantastic and stuff like that. We went out for Dan's birthday dinner first and then it was off to The Pawnshop in a cab we went to see Viathyn and Samandriel and the other awesome bands.
This was my make up at the beginning of the band, when I was.. sober.. and awesomer hah
We got there, and Dan and John had to hike my wheelchair up the 20 steps that led up to it, so Yves helped me up the stairs, just making sure I didn't fall on my face. I wore my thigh high boots, which while they look fucking fantastic are uber slippery on the bottom.. Whooops! >.> So.. We get there and have a few drinks. I'm intent on sitting front row though, so I take my spot, and Jacob comes up, along with Marlo! I'm so happy to see them. It's seriously been far too fucking long! We talk for a bit, and Marlo insists she's not "this" type of metal head. Aha! We know, but I love you anyway! <3 Anyways.
Guardians of Power is on, not my thing, but I'm digging their music. Whatever. Pearl Reckless is on next, and to be honest, I actually really REALLY enjoyed it, and I didn't think I was going to, either. hah. People try to start some shit in the crowd, but this is why I brought like, six people so that they could protect me.. and for the most part it worked.
Viathyn is up next, and well. They are just fucking awesome. Have I mentioned this? Dan and I met Jacob and his crew on the boat, and he gave us a CD (and subsequently ended up doing a shot of JD with Daniel) and I immediately uploaded it to my phone when I got home.. I've been listening to it like non stop for weeks now, it's pretty fucking stellar. In the middle of the set Jacob starts announcing birthdays and he starts tossing t-shirts and then he says. "And you get one just for being here!" and tosses one at me. I was like, "Yes!" Bwahahaha. Also, his vocalist tossed one to my friend Echo, which was awesome. Thanks guys! It literally means the world to me, you know? I don't expect anything from going to metal shows, but it's always such a nice surprise to see people actually care or notice me. It's really nice of you.
By Samandriel, I had started to develop a huge headache, but I would not/could not/there was no way in hell I was leaving! Samandriel was fucking amazing and so were the other bands so fuck you headache, you take a back seat to metal!
Also, what is it with Symphonic metal bands..? Who made the rule that if you play keyboard for a symphonic metal band you have to be drop dead fucking gorgeous? I would really REALLY like to know this.
There were a few times during Samandriel that I thought I was going to have to move, namely this big tall guy was invading my personal space despite the fact there was plenty of room to stand where he wasn't elbowing me in the face, and then he moved away, and there was this girl inbetween us and he tried to start.. something by shoving her.. This happened about 5 times, and everytime she would go flying into my chair, she would apologize. She finally turned around and pushed him so hard and told him to fuck off. I'm glad it didn't escalate any further than that, because most people were 100% respectful.
After the show, more hugs from Marlo, more chatting with Jacob and then we left, with promises of karaoke when we celebrate Dan's birthday in Calgary.
This was me at the end of the night, a lot more sweaty, tired and a lot less sober. <3
PS. I totally jacked Viathyn's setlist when it fell off stage. Shhh..
P.P.S- The guys from Viathyn reside here: www.viathyn.com You should totally check them out because not only are they fucking awesome, but they are super guys too!
Bailey Dawn
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