So we've been doing some pretty heavy renovations but now the basement looks just fantastic.. I'll even give you a sneak peek of my new music area! I know it's nothing special but it's enough for me to start to learn theory, and start my vocal lessons in September. :) Here's the picture, in case you wanted to see..

I wrote this poem in March 2013 after being asked to write a letter for Nightwish Days, and I coincidentally titled it "The Angel That Fell First." I know, so ironic. Anyways, this poem was describing how I'd been bullied all my life, especially in Junior High where I took quite a bit of beatings because I was in a wheelchair, and fat. It's no secret I am obese, but these kids went beyond teasing to full blown assault most times. I grew up harbouring a lot of bad emotions because of it, and a lot of anxiety when it comes to dealing with new people and I could and still can't relate to most of humanity. This poem was the way to let me let go of those awful emotions, in a productive way. It was cathartic and it mostly healed the wounds. It'll never be fully healed of course, but if we don't go through trials and tribulations in our life, we will stop learning and it is only then that we are truly dead.
I was asked by Mr. Plamen Dimov if I would submit a letter to him so he could read it at Nightwish Days. Nightwish Days is where a group of students, young ladies and young gentlemen go to Kitee, Finland and have their art seen, sing and have fun. It is young people taking a stand against Bullying, Racism and Rape and unfortunately I could not go this year, but plan to next year.
I was wracking my brain trying to come up with a letter, when inspiration hit and I ended up with a poem instead. I submitted it to Mr. Dimov (or as I know him, papa) and we ran with it. Joanne Husain who I had met on the 70,000tons of metal cruise on pool deck when Nightwish was about to go on (she made everyone move over to accommodate my wheelchair getting up front) came to me and asked if we could collaborate. I immediately said yes because I adore her work. From there, the video and artwork was born! I'll share with you the pictures of it up in the museum and the video here, since I haven't shared anything with you since the start of this year. The museum board is above with the poetry, Joanne's artwork and other artwork from some other really talented people.
It's been such a roller coaster ride, full of beautiful highs and crashing lows and I've got to say first and foremost thank you to my Finnish Papa (Plamen Dimov) and of course Joanne Husain, one of my very best friends. Also to Stephanie Hensley, because if it weren't for her I never would have submitted the work I did. Without further adieu, here is the video. Of course, it's Joanne's artwork, and video making skills. My poem, and my voice, and the instrumental version of Eva from Nightwish. Please leave a comment if you want telling me and Joanne what you think. We'd both love to hear!
After all this, I have to wonder and it's been on my mind so strongly lately.. What does Maestro think of this poem? I suppose only God knows and I may never find out.
Well, I've babbled for long enough!
Bailey Dawn <3