Well I went to the show last night and it was awesome, but I guess I should start where this all started, hmm?
We bought tickets literally the day that they were released. It was suppose to be Daniel, a friend and I, but the friend couldn't come.
A week and a half before the concert, Daniel pointed out to me that there was a contest running where a certain member of Eluveitie would give you a lesson in their particular musical instrument, and he knows that I've been interested in whistles for years, so he suggested it to me but told me there was only two days left. I had my reservations that I would win, after all I had to hand it in two days from the date it actually was, but... I don't know, it was more of a lapse in boredom than anything. I posted it, and messaged a few friends to like it. People must have caught on, because when I woke up on Sunday morning, it was up to 30 and when I checked when it was time to submit on Sunday night, it was up to to 60. I submitted it and took a deep breath and said to myself, "If I have a greater lesson to learn from them, it'll happen.. If not, then some other lucky fan will win!"
I didn't really think about it for the next week and boy was I busy in school, studying and doing my best not to get snowed in seemed like a wonderful idea, so I honestly completely forgot about it, until the next Sunday. I wasn't feeling well, so after dinner I had a nap until late and I woke up all groggy to check my phone and saw an email from something Eluveitie.. I assumed I was dreaming, since I'm not ever this lucky, so I rolled over and went back to sleep for twenty minutes and then got up and logged onto my computer while drinking a cup of tea that had long since gone cold. It was there! You can imagine my heart skipping a beat when I clicked on it but my heart sank as I read, "Hi Bailey, you've won the contest for Calgary and the fiddle lesson!" oh my god. They thought I was the person that submitted for the Calgary lesson, and a fiddle too, which tugged at my heartstrings just a little bit since I use to play before I lost my right hand.
So they had me confused with someone who probably got a thousand likes and deserved to win, but in any case I emailed them again saying I was from Edmonton and I actually wanted the whistle lesson, or vocal, whichever was most convenient for them. Well, he emailed me back saying it was his mistake and everything was good, could I be there for 5:30 and he would meet me outside? My heart swelled a little bit and I was happy giddy enough to do a little dance in my computer chair.
The day of the show comes and I wake up to full on snow storm, so much so that I can't go to school or anything. I quickly re-gather my thoughts and decide to call a cab in advance, after all, if I call in advance, it's all taken care of. So I pre-call a cab for 4:30, tell them they need to be able to take my manual chair in their trunk and they assure me everything will be alright. The storm stopped at around 2:30 which made me happy and I spend the next several hours within a haze of folk metal blasting from my computer while I got ready. I was upstairs from 4 PM on but then the cab didn't show up.. At 4:45 I called them, they assured me I was next in line but because of my wheelchair they needed to find a cab with an appropriate trunk space and there weren't many on the road from the torrential snowfall earlier. Every fifteen minutes we called back, but they assured was next in line. Finally, the time is coming upon when I have my appointment, so I text Päde and tell him I might be a bit late, still hoping that I can get there. He texts me back telling me that it's fine, since sound check is running late anyway, so if I can be there by 6 it'll be okay. I call back to the cab company one final time and this girl tells me that I was 4th in line and that they couldn't spare anyone to pick me up.
5:30.. 5:45.. 5:55. No go, So I text Päde to tell him I'm sorry, I can't make it, thanked him for the opportunity and I'm sorry for wasting his time. I'm crying so hard that I can't quite seem to make sense of the words on the screen, but I send it anyway and I'm about ready to give up. Daniel calls another cab company and they quote us at half an hour. Well, I'll still be able to see the show at least, so I wander off to use the washroom, the cab shows up in twenty seconds, I swear so we pile into it and Päde texts me them and tells me It's alright, can we be there by eight, and I tell him yes, we're FINALLY on our way.
We get there and I'm waiting in my wheelchair, looking at my phone while Dan goes off to try and find a person to talk to about what they want to do with me to get me up there, when this man walks by.. I mean, I wasn't really paying attention, I was staring down at my phone and fucking cold but relieved to be there. He takes a step backwards and asks me if I'm Bailey. He introduces himself and tells me at 9 PM they'll come to find me and have this meet and greet. He told me they understand and it happens to all of us.
I am sitting there and my face is just blank as I thank him. Eluveitie doesn't owe me anything, they could have just said, "Oh well, she missed her chance at five thirty, and it's her loss!" but they didn't. They did everything they could to accommodate ME. This has never really happened to me before, to be honest. So I was a little taken aback, to say the least.
The Starlite room staff take me up and sit me in a booth and I'm totally in the backstage area. Who comes up to talk to me, but Chrigel. I had a fan girl moment right there.. Inwardly, I hope! Anyways, we're talking about things, life, instruments and I told him that I use to sing and play the violin but I lost my right hand, and I am just as of recently picking up the love of music again. I want to play the flute and I was thinking of picking up a pan flute. He tells me that I should just get one made with four holes and that he was impressed and surprised I wanted to get back into it after so many setbacks. I was really honored that he would even listen to me ramble and even say something like that. It made me smile and want to get into music even more and quicker. Dan raided the Merch table, and I had one Eluveitie t-shirt and a hoodie! (Came in handy later, while we were waiting for a cab, that's for sure..)
He left and Varg started performing. They are not my cup of tea, but some of the riffs and melodies in their music were very nice. Then Wintersun came on and I've gotta say, I absolutely loved them. About halfway through, Päde came up to us and pulled us to the side outside the venue room where the back staircase was. The entirety of Eluveitie (and that's quite a lot of people!) were standing in front of me. I didn't even notice but the girls, Meri and Anna were standing behind me. I asked for their autograph and handed it around to all of them, and then I asked for a picture. Everyone crowded behind me and I got one, then one of the girls took one with me, Dan and the rest of the band. It was lovely. I told them about my blog and Chrigel asked for a picture of me and the band for the Facebook page! Then they had to get ready for the show so I went back to my booth with Dan.

Finally it was time for Eluveitie's set and they were absolutely fantastic. The sound was really really good and the bagpipes, whistles, guitar, fiddle and vocals could be clearly heard. They played "Rose for Epona" which is my favorite song, not only for the vocals, but the lyrics. They hit me really, really hard the first time I listened to them and I ended up crying in my friends car! So... Seeing it live, was equally as awesome and breathtaking.
After the show, we sat there, told that we couldn't go out the same way because all the roadies needed that space to move the bands gear. So we went out another door. On the way by, I eyed up the merch again and bought another t-shirt and then was the trek down the slippery back stairs outside. I had two Starlite Room employees help me while Dan carried the wheelchair. On the last step, I almost slipped and ended up on my face but the employees were bracing me, thank god!
Meri came up to me and asked me how the show was and if I enjoyed it. I told her it was awesome and I enjoyed it very much. I also wanted to say that she, personally, was amazing but I got really shy.
Dan pushed me to the front and called a cab. While I was waiting, Chrigel and Päde walked by and I wanted to thank them but they looked super busy. I'm distractedly looking to my left and they came by again and stood in front of me. I'm so absent minded that I didn't even notice them til Dan called my name. They thanked me, I thanked them and Päde shook my hand. It was kind of wonderful, anyways. The cab came, and we left.. I dreamt of Eluveitie's music all night, which... Really, can it get any better?
After that adventure with cabs and stuff though, it's primarily my job to let you know what it's like. You got an awesome concert review and disability mumbo jumbo. :) I aim to please, though I was sad I missed my lesson.
Another thing, I think I've realized why it was me that went. Everything happens for a reason and if nothing else stuck, Chrigel's words did. Don't fight the flow, create the flow. By creating a whistle or a flute for only one hand, I'm using the waters as a place for creation and paddling downstream, not constantly fighting to go upstream. I will take these words and turn them into something beautiful! Thank you Eluveitie, you were awesome and outstandingly compassionate.. I'll never forget it.
And now my concert withdrawals have kicked in. Come on good bands, come to Edmonton so I can go!!
Bailey Dawn <3