Thursday, 28 June 2012

In the process....

Of moving.. Well sort of.. My sister kicked her fiance out for legitimate reasons, and she lives in an adjacent city. Problem is, she works out of town and has three big dogs and two cats. So I'll be moving there for 20 days out of the month.

Oh no, a 70 inch HD TV, every game system in existance and a whole house to myself away from my mother? Whatever will I do?! I'll have updates for you after Monday. Please just bare with me while real life beats the hell out of me and drags me through the runner and I'll be back. I think I'll review Apocalyptica's "7th Symphony" next, and maybe I'll even make it a vlog. :)

Any other albums anyone wants me to review?

Bailey Dawn <3

Friday, 15 June 2012

Post to update about my boring life..

Well, my wheelchair is STILL not fixed, so my life is pretty much get Daniel to push me everywhere I need to go. My life rocks, doesn't it? I have two more orders of business to discuss though.  I just recently (as in yesterday) picked up Shinedown tickets.  Oh man, Shinedown is awesome. I love their sound and they may no be metal, but you'll be getting a review of the concert anyway since the lead singer has worked with Apocalyptica and on various metal LIKE projects so you guys can read all about it. I also JUST received my Sonata Arctica CD and t-shirt in the mail today so I'm slightly glad I did the review for you when I did, because waiting this long would have absolutely sucked.

I haven't updated much, but I haven't really had much to update about.. Hopefully on Monday.. and I would have made this a vlog, but I look like crap today. lol

<3 Bailey Dawn

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Sonata Arctica's, "Stones Grow Her Name" Review

So here we are on a Wednesday morning, almost 3 AM, my throat hurts like a bitch and I'm sipping tea with honey trying to get my throat back on track.. Around midnight Sunday night I started to feel woozy, dizzy and sick to my stomach so my review was a bit late getting up. Then this morning those symptoms were gone but I woke with a rather nasty headache and a sore throat. Now on to the review!

I had to go digging a little bit to get this information.. I'm not big on bands members, to be honest. I will very likely listen to your music and not know your name for years (example: Nightwish and HIM.) but now that I started doing reviews, I find I'm a bit more knowledgeable on band members and certain music. I kind of dig it, since I love being kept in the know how, especially musically.

I have seen Sonata Arctica when I was nineteen and they came through on their "Days Of Grays" at the Starlite Room in Edmonton, where I live. I was in my manual chair and it kind of sucked.  It had nothing to do with the music though. It had everything to do with the fact that, at that time I had never heard Sonata Arctica and it was a learning curve for me, and the fact that I thought, at that time, I didn't have the right to be up front and see the performance because I was in a wheelchair and that was just something you didn't do. I'm a very visual person and when I can't see and hear together, it bugs me. What other choice do I have? Everyone IS taller than me.

Oh well, next time, Sonata Arctica, next time!

My very favourite song by Sonata Arctica ever-

Shy.. Seriously, look it up. It's.. so melancholy and beautiful. It brings me to tears, because it is quite true of me. You wouldn't expect it for how much I blab on here but if I ever meet you. you'll be lucky to get three words out of me.

On to the band, because otherwise I'll babble for the rest of my life. :3

Sonata Arctica is a Finnish band that was originally formed in Kemi, Finland in 1995. It is most frequently called power leaning into progressive metal, though I don't like to label things because I think music should be fluid and run where creativity takes you.

Band Members

Tony Kakko- He is the vocalist, composer and the primary songwriter for the band as well as the creative force behind the band, at least lyrically. He started off playing keyboards and doing vocals for the band, but after the first album release he decided to concentrate on just vocals.

Tommy Portimo- Is the drummer for the band. I don't know much about him other than he drinks coke and red wine.. Which means he's a-okay in my books.

Marko Paasikoski- He's the bass player of the group! All I really know.

Henrik Klingenberg- Keyboard and backing vocals. I love Henrik, mostly because I love and think that the keyboard/piano is one of the best instruments in the world, next to the violin of course.

Elias Viljanen- He's the guitar player and other that knowing he makes apple pie, courtesy of Sonata Arctica's website.. I don't know much about his play style or anything. This is going to be an interesting night.

Now on to the album

So I actually pre ordered this item from Nuclear Blast USA along with a t-shirt and I still haven't gotten it so I was in HMV the other day and I saw it and decided to buy it there too, because the despite the fact that I like putting money directly into the bands pockets (and HMV does that but in a convuluted bullshit way where they actually get a lot less than you would think) I figured they already had my money for the pre-order so it all balances out.

All I've listened to is the single "I Have A Right" and some that I heard in my friend John's car on Saturday so I'm excited to take this journey with you guys!

Only the Broken Hearts (Make You Beautiful) 

We're only one song in and already I hear some pretty legitimate instrumentation, not to mention Tony's voice, which always seems to make me hyper, especially in this type of song. Can we say catchy chorus? Sonata is known for their songs about broken hearts, but this song is just so happy on the outside of things that it took me a moment to actually analyse the lyrics and go, "Wow.. It's agonising, and I wonder if it's on purpose..." This is my third favourite song on the album. I like when one of my favourites is already there at the beginning.. It's awesome. hah.

Shitload of Money

When I first heard this song, I admit I laughed but it's just so brilliant that it hurts. It almost strikes me less as metal and more as good old 80s rock and roll.. Remember that fluidity and creativity I was talking about and not letting labels define you..? Sonata Arctica has always done what they liked to do and not worried about being labelled OR defined. I like it! This is one of the albums heavier songs, and it has a guitar solo in it that really just kicks so much ass. Another thing I particularly enjoy is the lyric, "Put your mouth where my money is." which is just the best lyric in this song, hands down.

Losing My Insanity

Oh, piano solo leading into the song?! HAPPY DAY! This song is another one of the heaviest, but still leaves you with a happy, nostalgic feeling... But here's the kicker, you're enjoying metal while you're daydreaming! It's like a win win!

Somewhere Close To You

Very melancholic beginning.. I guess I have a hard time dissecting this song, some parts I really enjoy but then others I'm really very torn about. I guess part of the reason is I'm not into heavier metal and this is very "heavy", especially for Sonata. I can see the appeal if you like heavier drum lines and pretty good shred, but all in all, not a fan of this one.

I Have A Right

Favourite song on the album, and honestly.. Here's why: they are so emotional. I was abused as a child, and when I heard this song for the first time I just cried for hours.. I couldn't handle the emotions that came with this song at first, but it's getting better now.  Frankly, this is one of those "painful to listen to but needs to be heard" songs. Too many people refuse to think about what happens to neglected and abused children. Such a great message, such an amazing song and such a catchy tune. I swear you keep time with the music in your head like you use to do in music class in elementary school.

Alone In Heaven

Guitar ballads are awesome as intros to song, FYI. I love this song and how it's easy listening. You know, metal in general focuses on it's particular genre so much that they forget that us as listeners need a break sometimes to cleanse our listening "palate" so to speak. This is that song, so just stop head banging for a moment and wave your lighters above your heads please. Also, outstanding message.. Though, I don't think I'd want to live in winter all the time, Tony. I think my wheelchair would take issue with that.

The Day

Beautiful intro.. If I could just listen to that.. I would be a happy clam.  I love this song... Definitely my favourites. It's quite calming and restful, but at the same time it almost conveys a sense of urgency, especially at the end. The message, at least in my mind is very sweet.. It's going together, and facing the world together, and ultimately the end of the world, as you know it at least... I enjoy this song, if only for the fact it's so thought provoking. Let's be realistic, music can be taken millions of different ways and I'm just portraying an option.. Either way, this song has lots of love in it.


BANJOES ARE AWESOME! I feel like I've walked into a movie with gothic cowboys and I dig it. It's amazing.. Almost bluegrassy in a way? This makes me want to get up and dance and stomp my feet and clap my hands and do all sorts of weird crazy things with a stetson on my head. I like how Tony is purposely trying to "country" up his voice. This is amazing.

Don't Be Mean

This song comes from the heart, and the instruments are understated here and the focus is really on Tony's vocals.. There is so much emotion in this song, and it's so deep and child-like with the lyrics being so simply stated that I shed a tear while listening to it.  It's also a lot less metal and a lot more "alternative" rock. It's such a beautiful song.. Definitely one worth listening to!

Wildfire, Part: II - One with the Mountain

I love this song mostly because it has such a Celtic feeling to it. The premise quite true.. History is rife with fear of things we don't understand and that really is anything that is outside the norm of society. This song rings true; and is beautiful. It has some heavier elements to it, as well (so I'm not hating on you, heavy metal fans!) and I just find the message to be beautiful, and all in all.. Whenever you add Celtic elements to ANYTHING I love it.. So good on you, Sonata!

Wildfire, Part: III - Wildfire Town, Population: 0

This song has an angry feeling to it, which just makes it good listening. I can't listen to angry songs much unless I'm terribly angry or writing a character who is livid... (Did I mention I write stories in my spare time and music is my main source of passion and muse in that too?) But the normal rules don't apply here, apparently because I've listened to this song on repeat about thirty times and I'm good to go. This song is almost restoring the balance to nature, one lyric at a time..

Tonight I Dance Alone [North American Deluxe Edition: Bonus Track]

My second favourite song on the album. This song leaves me completely speechless.. In fact I actually had to leave the room for half an hour before coming into post this and just watch the rain. I still don't even really know what to say, except I've been there. The gut-wrenching, heart breaking feeling of needing to push someone away that you love because ultimately you need time, or they need time.. Whatever the case, I've been there. Tony is outstanding in this performance which leads me to believe that he's been there, all too many times. Well done guys, well done.

The Album

To be honest, guys. I've read over this review over and over again. I don't mention the instruments very much and I know this is going to sound like such a cop-out to you but it's because Sonata's instruments and vocals have ALWAYS flowed into each other really nicely, to be the point where I can't pick out where one stops and the others begin.. I hope you understand, I wasn't trying to leave anything out here, and this review might be lacking in some way to you guys because I didn't focus so much on the instruments, but I just could not find anything to distinguish, other than what I did mention about certain intros, solos and things like that.

I like this album.. It's definitely up in the top 10 for me and I really have nothing to nitpick about, except for that one song, but even then it's mostly just me not liking my metal so.. metaltastic? It's amazingly easy to dissect and listen to and the best part about the album is it's full of PASSION. I want to see musicians loving what they do and making meaningful music, not the shit that's out there and composed nowadays on TOP40s radio stations. (Wow.. I sound old, don't I?!)

All in all, this gets a 4.5/5 from me and you should definitely check it out as well!


Shut up and take my money, Sonata Arctica!


Bailey Dawn <3

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Hey guys, if you want to follow me on....

Facebook you can either friend request me, or just subscribe to me. I always love having new people to chat with, and I love having people ask me questions.  At some point, since my blog is getting pretty popular (300 hits a day, and for me that's quite a bit!) I might even do a question and answer vlog about everything and anything.

Also, I'd love to have people comment more. I'm ALWAYS reachable so be it through facebook, email or comments, I'd love to hear from you.

So, ways you can reach me! Well, like I said, you can always reach me through leaving a comment on here or....

Here is my Facebook!

And here is my Email!

Another thing, here is the question portion, so you guys don't have to feel all awkward emailing me first (cause frankly, you're fucking awesome and should NEVER feel that way!)

What do YOU want to see more of? Vlogs, (gulp!), Reviews on Albums, Concert Reviews, me sliding down a hill in my manual wheelchair at full speed?!  (Okay, that last one was a joke, but in all honesty it would be fun.. Until I hit the bottom....)

You tell me. Also, don't be afraid to point out what you think I should do, shouldn't do and the like.. :) By the way, check what I did to my manual wheelchair...

Aww yeah! :3  I also particularly enjoy the irony of the Disney bag. Like I'm so metal but I shop at the Disney store. (Pssst.. It's the angry lady in the wheelchair's favourite place to shop! ;) )

Another thing was I finally broke down and bought "Stones Grow her Name" By Sonata Arctica to do a review of, I was going to wait for my pre-order But it didn't come in on Friday like I had hoped it would. So the review will be up on Tuesday.  It would be up sooner than that but I'm busy with friends and real life things like going to see my first and second baseball game of the summer tomorrow! So happy, I absolutely adore baseball! Then, my friends, Dan and I are coming home to watch True Blood to catch up before the season premiere next week.

Keep hopping!
Bailey Dawn